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After yesterday's heavy rain accompanied with thunder and lightening in the afternoon, this mornings weather started relatively good but then heavy showers came at 10:00. I ended a bit wet from coming back from my walk at Hardwick Park.



A couple of days of good weather disintegrates totally to now bad weather. At this present moment it has hardly stopped raining from early morning. Tomorrow looks the same while the bank holiday weekend looks iffy.

Last night I witnessed a passing Virgin hot air balloon flying over Hardwick Park, as soon from home.


Humid Walk

After 2-3 days of sun and heat the cloud appeared this morning after some overnight rain. Fairly warm though during the walk this morning and it was humid but by late morning, rain started to appear and cooler temperature. Afternoon was about the same. Photo: East Park


Glorious Day

A beautiful sunny day today and very warm. Second day running although today did seem a lot warmer. Surprising how the birds and insects have been affected. Birds singing continuously and insects in abundance.


Springish day.

Weather changed for the better yesterday. At least it was dry. At times it was even warm, warmer if it wasn't for the strong cool breeze that generated now and again. Today the weather is better than the forecast of cloud and rain from 10:00 all day. Mid afternoon and it has stayed mainly sunny. Well done the BBC forecast.


Dry Day

A drier day so far. Some sun and a little warmer at times but a lot cooler when hit with the strong breeze. Hardwick Park was surprisingly quiet this morning. A few chicks about including a group of coot's. Two large swan nests seen and at East Park a pair of buzzards in flight.


Back To Normal

Well one day of warm weather during the week does not make Spring. Yes, back to a normal Spring day of cloud, grey skies, cold breeze and drizzle. If the weather forecast is correct it does not look promising either.



A bit brighter today and warmer. Wind spoilt it at times with a strong cool breeze that made things colder, but overall a slighter better day. Still waiting for spring to arrive though.


Weather still not that appealing for the time of year. Temperatures on average may just be slightly below average, but it is the grey skies and if not the rain, it's the mist and dampness. The ground is also saturated making walking miserable.


Hardwick Park

Yes the main story is the weather. Cold again and feeling damp although no rain. At least the birds at Hardwick Park gave a little relief. A robin started singing within .5m of me while I was taking photo's. Even turning my body & camera towards it, the robin did not move. Also saw a wren, a number of blue tits, various other species and a few tufted ducks and a great crested grebe.


Better Day

Pleasant weather this morning. A bit fresh with a bit of a breeze but the heat from the sunny skies made a nice morning. Expecting sheep and a herd of cows now accommodate East Park, so those walking dogs need to be careful.

Photo: East Park.


Why is it the weathermen and weather app says the local area weather is above average, you walk out and reality is it's cold, breezy, grey and damp. Well, today is beyond the moody phase.

Beacon Lane, Sedgefield.


Wet again.

Continuing the theme of weather, it continues to be wet today. So far the morning is cloudy, drizzle, wet and not warm. Birds also continue to fly into the garden. This morning seen, wren, robin, dove, siskin, brambling, chaffinch, goldfinch and redpoll.


Misty again

Today is the 45th day of 2024. So far, yes it's still classed as winter, the weather has been extremely miserable. Mainly damp, at times heavy rain and if not the occasional bit of snow, it has been misty. Today it's misty.



First walk for a good few days. Four miles around Hardwick Park. No rain today although very wet ground following exceptional rain over the last few days. Slight increase in air temperature, possibly the reason why we have a heavy mist since last night, still hear late in the day.
Pic: Misty Hardwick Park


Wet & cold.

Cold, very wet but no snow. Snow forecast has not appeared although snow may have reached Derbyshire and others but not here. Teesside Park visited this morning and saw two redshanks: pic below.


Wet & Birds

Looking like a wet day. Constantly raining so far since getting up. Twelve siskin's on feeders first thing chased by 7 starlings. Resuming home flooring now for the week.


Storm Isha

A day after storm Isha and to my knowledge no damage of note here or in the area. Still breezy making it cold too, plus the odd light shower. Forecast for the next 48 hours includes another storm of significance. Hair cut, a walk down to Beacon Lane and sorted out BT contract.



Another freezing day. Bitterly cold walking round Teesside Park. Temperature improves tomorrow but now gale force winds are forecast for the weekend.



Another extremely cold day with the garden birds very busy eating keeping their energy up. Snow showers forecast this afternoon ……… we'll see.



An extremely cold day. Popped out for a quick walk this morning and I was frozen. Did not go far, just to East Park and back. The Drimnin film I feel is now complete but will leave it for a few days before uploading it.


Grey Day

It was extremely dark at 07:00 this morning even though mornings at present are supposed to be lighter. It has ended up been another grey, gloomy, drizzly and miserable day. Here, Teesside Park and even Hartlepool have grey skies. Role on Spring.



A Saturday morning walk this morning instead of the mandatory exercise. Cold though with frost in lying on soaked ground. Ice too on house & car roofs.


Gloomy Park

Teesside Park shops visited this morning. The place looked as gloomy as the weather. At least it was not busy.


Wet again

today Never seen the paths and fields so wet. In fact every day seems the water logged even more. Just glad we are not in the situation like the south of England or parts of Scotland experiencing flooding.



Well the good weather that looked promising for 2024 yesterday changed dramatically today. Wet, cloudy, cold and miserable. Apart from first thing when 10 goldfinches appeared the only other visitor was guess - yes, the Hoover woodpigeon.


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