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Busy birds

Both at home and over at Hardwick, the birds over the past few days are busy feeding and looking after their recent fledglings. At Hardwick there are plenty of young swans, geese, coots and moorhens while at home mainly the parents of blackbirds, blue and coal tits can be seen acting busy. Disappointing to see only a pair of swallows flying over East Park.



The sparrow-hawk returned to the garden this morning, predating a siskin. Now likes flying onto the bird feeder, waiting for a bird to land.



Sparrowhawk in again this morning. Looked like a siskin it predated. Not much was left when I shot the photo. He was lucky today due to the weather combining rain, strong breeze and cold.



Sometime since its last visit, but the sparrow-hawk returned to the garden this afternoon. Patiently stayed on a perch for a good 20 minutes before flying off to a potential predation.



We are very lucky still due to the number of finches still flying into the garden, especially brambling's and siskin's. Never had these numbers and flying in since the start of 2024.


50th Day of 2024

Today is day 50 of 2024. Surprising how quick it has gone. Also, brambling's, siskin's and redpoll's are still flying into our garden. Never has so many of these breeds visited and for so long. First seen at the start of 2024, normally only one or two seen in a day. At times we have witnessed up to 11 rambling's and 10 siskin's at one time, visiting numerous times during the day.
Photo: morning siskin


Wet & cold.

Cold, very wet but no snow. Snow forecast has not appeared although snow may have reached Derbyshire and others but not here. Teesside Park visited this morning and saw two redshanks: pic below.


Wet & Birds

Looking like a wet day. Constantly raining so far since getting up. Twelve siskin's on feeders first thing chased by 7 starlings. Resuming home flooring now for the week.


Garden Birds

Garden birds busy this morning. On one occasion we he visiting 15 goldfinches, 4 brambling, 1 greenfinch, 2 chaffinches & 3 doves. Maybe due to the cold air temperatures today.


Siskin Return

Another cold day. Wet too. No rain, so far, but ground still water logged. Our garden had the return of two siskin this morning, the first time since August 2023. Two days ago we also had a redpoll.



Female brambling in the garden this morning. Second day running but have not seen the male one for some time.


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